Mini Club

Hap­py kids hav­ing fun in mini club can play a key role for their par­ents when choos­ing the place of next hol­i­days. Besides, the impres­sions that chil­dren has gained in our coun­try are impor­tant for the for­ma­tion of the image we are aim­ing to have in the future.

Daytime activities

There are day and evening activ­i­ties aimed at improv­ing the phys­i­cal and social skills of chil­dren in the pro­grams pre­pared accord­ing to the age groups of 4–7, 8–12, 13–16. These activ­i­ties are pre­pared by pri­or­i­tiz­ing the sen­si­tiv­i­ties of fam­i­lies and the safe­ty of children.

Nighttime activities

It con­sists of all the spe­cial events and pro­grams for the lit­tle guests stay­ing at the facil­i­ty, start­ing with the din­ner and end­ing with the show.

Special activities

It con­sists of edu­ca­tion­al, enter­tain­ing activ­i­ties and dif­fer­ent work­shops where lit­tle guests stay­ing at the facil­i­ty can spend qual­i­ty time through­out the day.


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Adress = Altınkum mahhallesi 423 sokak Kaya Plaza no 35/4 Konyaaltı/ANTALYA

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