About us

Since 2001, Car­ni­val­i­um has been pro­vid­ing ser­vices and solu­tions in the field of enter­tain­ment and pro­fes­sion­al events. In accor­dance with cus­tomer’s needs and wish­es our com­pa­ny  orga­nizes all kinds of sports, social and cul­tur­al events includ­ing plan­ning, design and imple­men­ta­tion phas­es. Along with the prepa­ra­tion and exe­cu­tion of enter­tain­ment and sport activ­i­ties in hotels and resorts, pro­vid­ing per­son­nel with the nec­es­sary equip­ment and mate­ri­als, Car­ni­val­i­um Ltd. togeth­er with part­ners also offers alter­na­tive ideas and solu­tions at the low­est price and the high­est qual­i­ty.  Car­ni­val­i­um Tourism Ltd. is the only true part­ner for every foun­da­tion, insti­tu­tion or indi­vid­ual since we cre­ate  inno­v­a­tive ideas in line with the lat­est indus­try trends and the cus­tomer’s needs  sur­pass­ing any expectations.


E‑Posta = info@carnivalium.com

Adress = Altınkum mahhallesi 423 sokak Kaya Plaza no 35/4 Konyaaltı/ANTALYA

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