
“In order to meet the dai­ly sports and enter­tain­ment needs of the guests stay­ing at the facil­i­ty dur­ing the day with­out get­ting bored, we draw up the pro­gram, con­sid­er­ing guests’ per­son­al char­ac­ter­is­tics and ages groups, as far as the hotel loca­tion spec­i­fi­ca­tions and equip­ment, there­by achiev­ing the max­i­mum par­tic­i­pa­tion, good ambi­ence and a high degree of guests satisfaction..”


Pro­gram selec­tion and prepa­ra­tion of the team in accor­dance with hotel requirements


Con­cept descrip­tion, mini­club, day and night pro­grams, parties


Staff train­ing, inter­de­part­men­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, guest relations

All pro­grams will be pre­pared con­sid­er­ing cur­rent con­di­tions and health rules,

 and all employ­ees will per­form activ­i­ties and per­for­mances with­in these rules. The con­cept to be implemented 

can be scaled with­in the usage areas and capac­i­ty of the hotel, and due to its flex­i­ble struc­ture, changes 

can be imple­ment­ed in con­sul­ta­tion with the man­age­ment with­in the scope of hotel and guest needs.

Day­time Activities

Spe­cial Activities

Well­ness Activities

Mini club

Evening pro­gram


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Adress = Altınkum mahhallesi 423 sokak Kaya Plaza no 35/4 Konyaaltı/ANTALYA

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